How to Figure Out Your Partner's Ring Size

Okay, so you've done the hard part - found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Now it's time to find a beautiful ring (which, if you're reading this, you're already on my website which is a great first step!). You may have talked to your partner already to figure out what they want in their engagement ring, or perhaps you're trusting your gut. One thing that is very helpful though is knowing their ring size. Here are a few tips to figuring it out without blowing your cover.

1. Ring Sizer. Order a ring sizer from APJ (they're free!) and slip it on them while they're sleeping. Sounds crazy, but if they're a heavy sleeper you should be able to get away with it. It's the most accurate you'll likely be able to get without going to a jewelry store. 

2. Friends and Family. Call a friend or family member and ask. If your partner has a sibling, they likely share similarly sized fingers (unless one of them jammed a finger playing high school soccer, etc). They also have likely discussed the idea of marriage and engagement and may be able to shed some light not just on ring sizes, but preferences as well.

3. Use another ring of theirs. One of my favorite apps is called Ring Sizer. You take one of their rings and line it up to the screen and can size it up or down until it is aligned. 

4. Compare hands. Is one of your fingers about the same size as theirs? The tip of your pinky is about the same size as the base of their ring finger? Use this as a gauge to size their fingers. 

5. When in doubt, six it out. Six is the most common size. Almost all rings can be resized, so don't let the ring size stop you from proposing to the person of your dreams!

If you're still unsure, APJ will advise you to have some metal at the bottom of the band (not a fully set style), so the ring can be resized easily and quickly. 

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